
Corrective Siol Treatment (Post Construction Treatment)

Corrective Siol Treatment is a treatment for building that have already been constructed or partially-construcred where the concrete slab has been laid. Warranty provided depends on type of chemical applied            

This treatment carried out by  :-                        
a) Checking of all wooden items, roots truss, gardens and countryards and a through inspection of the entire property to eradicate all termites in the building.                        
b) Drilling of holes into the concrete slabs (flooring) at every 50cm intervals along every wall of the property.                        
c) Pumping of chemical into the holes to create the barrier.
d) Patching of holes with cement that matches the appearance of floor tiles. 

Termite Baiting System

The objective of termite baiting is to place a food source that contains toxicant. Foraging termites that find the baits will consume and share the food containing the toxicant with its nest mates including the Queen and the King through a process called trophallaxis. Elimination process may require approximately 2 to 12 weeks depending on the size of the colony, typically between 6 to 8 weeks.


DRPest termite baiting system offers two types of systems, namely above ground baiting system and in-ground baiting system.

a) Above ground baiting system

b) Inner ground baiting station